is it? omjayyyyyyyyyyy~ newayyyy mid term is o-v-e-r~ :D habis jehhh paper aku menjerit like siiillly girl "exam dah habisss wohooooooo~" then my teacher was like "menjerit macam dah habis spm pulak tak sedar diri" lulz hahaha and me was like "ilek ah cikgu" :3 lol perd paper 2 was like dayum hard -.-" zzz then ada sekali tu cikgu daud*my perd teacher and i was asking him "cikgu asal susah sangat soalan cikgu buat?dah lah tak bgi hint soalan apa yang keluar -.-" then reaction dia was like "nak soalan senang tak payah sekolah lah mcam tuu" and i was like TROLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL :O kfine andd i terus letak kepala atas meja and fikir balik apa jawapan diew sobz.
ok fine gtg nora elena it abt to start! kbye!
please wait fer me mr A :'>
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